- Why I stopped saying something is easy or something is hard
- Thoughts on giving up an old project to make room for the new
- My first post on The Chess Improver: The Value of Thematic Complete Games Against a Weaker Opponent
chesslearningPittsburgh Chess Club
- I changed how I live after reading Joshua Foer's "Moonwalking with Einstein"
- CreativeMornings/Pittsburgh, the first session: Nina Barbuto on "Making Learning a Party"
CreativeMorningsPittsburghNina BarbutoAssemblelearningAndy Warhol Museum
- Round 5 of Pittsburgh Chess Club Tournament: On Benoni "Emasculation" and Learning
chessPittsburghPittsburgh Chess ClubSicilian DefenseEnglish OpeningMaróczy BindBenonilearning
- Why I am grateful that my father never let me win a chess game against him
- They published my brilliant chess game, hinting it was not so original, but was it?
chesscreativityoriginalitylearningSicilian Defensefather
- Flute practice: dealing with burnout and injury
musicfluteCarnegie Mellon UniversityorchestralearningpracticeFiveFingers
- When can you call yourself an expert at something?
- Flute progress after one month in orchestra: still hanging in there
musicfluteCarnegie Mellon UniversityorchestralearningpracticerecorderLatin musicboleroClaude Debussy
- Pittsburgh Java User Group: Get Going with Git on Java Projects
- Flute progress report: day of reckoning approaches
musicfluteCarnegie Mellon Universityorchestralearningpracticerecorder
- Joining an orchestra: learning in the face of terror
musicfluteCarnegie Mellon Universityorchestralearningpracticerecorder
- How to respond if a child asks you a science question you don't know the answer to
- How school made me hate computer science and programming
computer scienceprogrammingeducationlearningteachingCSEdWeekCodecademyPascalCOBOLFortranBASICfatherchildhood
- Experiment in learning: completing Stanford online course: Machine Learning
learningeducationmachine learningStanford UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityOctaveMOOC
- Experiment in learning: completing Stanford online course: Introduction to Databases
learningeducationdatabasesStanford UniversityCarnegie Mellon UniversityMOOC
- Much progress playing flute
- Global Day of CodeRetreat: Pittsburgh
CSEdWeeklearningteachingCodeRetreatprogrammingPittsburghJavaPythonCsharpHaskellCorey HainesTest-Driven DevelopmentM*ModalVivisimo
- Why I am writing this week for CSEdWeek
CSEdWeekcomputer scienceeducationlearningteachingCodeRetreatPittsburghprogramming
- Staying Excited About Learning By Being Flexible