Why I missed the CMU intramural XC race this year
Sep 27, 2012 · 2 minute read · 0 CommentsrunningracesCarnegie Mellon Universitysick
One thing interesting about having been writing in my blog for just over a year now is the opportunity to look back one year and compare where I was then with where I am now when it comes to seasonal activities and goals.
For example, today I was originally planning to run in the CMU intramural men’s XC race this year, as I had enjoyed doing it last year.
I ended up not running it for a couple of reasons.
- I’ve been barely running since the Pretty Good Race 5K and therefore untrained, and probably likely to finish dead last, given the very few number of guys preregistered.
- It was raining pretty hard, making unpleasant the thought of running outside on the grass and mud.
- I was feeling OK yesterday, but today was feeling unusually tired and almost sick, and I’m still trying to determine whether to run the Great Race on Sunday for the tenth time as planned.
Some interesting observations:
- If I had not been feeling sick, I think there was a 30% chance I would have run anyway.
- If I had not been feeling sick, and it had not been raining, there was a 95% chance I would have run anyway (my only fear being forgetting the course and losing contact with the second-to-last place guy).
Having a long-running blog enables me to remember what I did and what I hoped to do the following year, and compare.
This year, I didn’t manage to do what I planned a year ago. Well, there’s always next year.