Pittsburgh Python meetup: I gave my first lightning talk ever; the topic was SCons

Yesterday I gave my first lightning talk in my life, as far as I can remember.

I spoke for probably around five minutes at the monthly meeting of the Pittsburgh Python User Group, which had a module show-and-tell night.

I originally had not planned to attend the meeting, since although I have been to meetings of the Python group since January 2011, I stopped going over a year ago. But I suddenly decided on short notice to volunteer before the meeting to give a little talk on the Python-based tool SCons. I did this for a couple of reasons:

The module show and tell

It turned out that only four of us had described ahead of time a module to talk about. The first three spoke about multiprocessing, formencode, and urllib2, then I finally stepped up and talked about SCons. After that, it was good to see people spontaneously get up and talk about other Python libraries and software, including requests, numba, lxml, melopy, and logbook.

What I tried to do in my talk

I tried to give a concrete example of why I use SCons to manage building various artifacts from source files and directories, analyzing them, and removing outdated material. Essentially, in 2006, I was looking for an alternative to GNU make because I wanted the power of a full-blown programming language in order to do builds that require real computation that depend on conditions, SCons. SCons is an embedded domain specific language for construction, in contrast to make, which is an external domain specific language (actually, GNU make is more than that; it is a perverse Turing-complete language).

Using SCons, I can generate dependencies dynamically by writing Python code (in contrast to the make paradigm in which one often writes, using some separate language, a script to generate a Makefile to include into the master Makefile).

Furthermore, “builders” that do the work of connecting targets with sources can be written in Python; in make, builder actions are shell commands, which means that if you have to do something nontrivial, you have to write some program to call from make.

It is so much more convenient to do everything with Python and Python libraries rather than to write extra programs to call.

During the talk, I drew some sketches of directory trees and sources and targets on the whiteboard to illustrate what kinds of actions were handled by an SCons script I had written for a specific purpose at work.

For a longer talk, I would have prepared a few slides and added more clarifying detail to my presentation, but I decided to just do this one impromptu.

My source code

The source code for my example SCons script is available on GitHub.

Since it was originally written in 2006, it was not developed the way I would do it today (for example, it is a single monolithic script, does not have proper user-level documentation, has hard-coded strings, and was not designed in a test-driven way), but it works. If new requirements cause me to need to change the code, I will definitely refactor first.

Part of me had wanted to refactor before public release, but I decided that perfectionism had held me back too long from sharing, so I was just going to put the code as it is.


I have very little experience giving talks at all. The few “long” talks I’ve given over the years have been a nerve-wracking experience in which I did badly. I have a long-term goal of actually being a decent public speaker, so that I can share my knowledge more effectively with the world. It will take study, practice, self-assessment, and experience. I’ve delayed progress on this goal for too long, and am happy to start putting myself out there, starting small in lower-stakes situations and building up from there.

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